Sunday, August 14, 2011

Virgin Mobile Phone Replacement Finally Arrived.

If you haven't heard yet from my previous blog posts I have had some difficulty with my new LG Optimus V smart phone from Virgin Mobile since the fist day that I got it. It for some reason just would not charge properly. i would plug it in at night and the next morning the battery would be completely dead. It just would not charge properly.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What Do You Do When You Are Bored?

I don't know why but I have never been this bored before. At least this gives me an excuse to write for this blog. I usually have something up my sleeve to do but I just don't this time. I guess I could go and watch some YouTube but that just doesn't seem very interesting considering I have been doing for the past three months day after day. Summer is coming to an end and school will be starting up again. It will be interesting to be an upperclassmen this year. (I'm a Junior) I signed up for a Computer repair class but will probably end up teaching it. Anyway... What do you do when you are bored?

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Just Got My Driving Permit!

I may be a little behind the others in my class being that I just got my permit when they already have their license but I really don't care. I just don't see what the big rush to drive is. The farthest I usually go from home is the mailbox on your average day. Yes I know that sounds bad but what else am I supposed to do? I'm a geek that sits at his computer all day. Once school starts I will be taking drivers ed. It should be fun to see how many mail boxes I can take down! :)

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How To View A Forum That Requires You To Sign Up.

Have you ever been searching for something on Google and when you think you have found a relevant search result you click on it and it's a forum that wants you to create an account in order to view the topic? Well I have this neat little trick to bypass this.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Create An 800mbps Wireless Network With LEDs?

LED Throwies!
You head that. There is this new technology being developed that would give a wireless network the capability of reaching speeds of 800mbps. That's almost three times as fast as the current wireless network leader, wireless n, with speeds of 300mbps.

The only current problem with this new technology is that the Wireless LED transmitter and receiver would need a clear line of sight in order to function properly. Even with this set back the technology may still be worth something.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Read Deleted Tweets!

Sometimes people will not be thinking straight and will mistakenly tweet something that they may regret later. What is nice is that Twitter has a delete tweet feature meant for these situations. Unfortunately the deleting of the tweet will be useless due Undetweetable.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's Legal To Make Copies of a DVD or CD in Britain!

It is awesome that someone finally gets the idea! It is claimed that Britain has made it legal to copy CDs and DVDs. This does not allow the copying of these materials for resale but instead for back-up and other personal uses.

It also allows the use of copyright materials in parody's and other similar material without the need to get copyright permission.

Although this is now legal in Britain and not legal in the United States I don;t think that rules like these stop anyone anywhere from making personal back-up copies of DVDs and CDs. They do get scratched up fairly easily.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Power Your House With Your Car!

Nissan's Electric Leaf car now has this neat new feature called a two way charger that allows you to power devices and even your house from the batteries inside of your car!

The idea for this originated in Fukushima due to the disaster that has recently occurred there with their power plants. It is said that this new charging device for the Nissan Leaf could actually power a household for two days with its 24 kilowatt/hour battery.

This is a neat great idea! It's almost like siphoning gas out of your car's gas tank to power a small generator except it's simpler and easier for the everyday person to do!

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