Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Launches Social Network - Google+

Google launched their new social networking addition to their website. It is called Google+. Although currently in invite only beta testing it still looks very interesting. This is the latest attempt on attacking the social networking buisness. Social networking is a largee part of society on the Internet and Google just said, "It's On."

They have broken the social networking ideas into more specific groups. They have added features like the ability to group people more specifically into groups and then post updates to those groups or as Google calls them, "circles."

In addition to these circles that allow the user to share group specific updates Google as included a feature called Hangouts. Hangouts will allow people to socialize in small groups. People may join these Hangouts and socialize with the people within.

The have also created a new feature to make uploading content like videos and photos to the Internet from your phone much easier. Any picture on your phone that you take will automatically be uploaded to a private album on your Google+ profile. You can later log onto Google+ and choose which photos will be displayed to your friends.

This next feature is something that Google should be able to do well. It's a feature that always brings you something Interesting to look at. It's called Sparks. Sparks will give you relevant articles and news related to your Interests.

They have also brought online chatting to a new level with group chat integrated into a social network. With "Huddle" you will be able to create a chat room with your friends and communicate with them with a group chat.

These are the features that Google has shown in their virtual tour. So far it looks very Interesting. Yes, you already can do most of the things they illustrate on other social networks but it will be interesting to see Google's take on everything. They are already such a large company; who knows what they could expand to if the master the art of social networking.

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