Saturday, October 29, 2011

EA Origin Customer Support Sucks

Recently I was having some problems getting Battlefield to play correctly in full screen. I kept getting some strange errors about an unknown Direct X error. I tried a few things but still couldn't get it to work. So I finally decided to give EA a shout. This how the conversation went...

You are now ready to chat with Ajay.
When I try to play Battlefield 3 in full screen on a 1080p monitor I receive a DirectX Error.
Hi there.
Thank you for the clarifiation.
Let me look into this issue.
Here is a screen shot of the error if it would help -
Thank you for the information.
I appreciate your patience.
The issue you are facing is due to direct x installed on your computer not being upated.
For this issue you are suggested to contact to Microsoft support at
The chat session has ended. Please contact us again if you need further help.
Chat session has ended.

All he did was say get lost and see IF Microsoft can help you. I have never seen such horible support. He doesn;t even say bye or anything, just get lost and ends the chat.

Oh well, I was able to ask some of my friends for help and they were able to help me solve the problem.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Siri For Android

As many of you probably already know the iPhone 4s has recently been released. Once of its biggest feature is Siri. If you do not know already, Siri is a digital assistant right on your phone. You can verbally ask it questions like; "How is the weather?" "What is the time in London?" Etc. It will respond in a female voice with your answers.

Android has had a feature like this already built in since Android 2.2 but it is very limited. True Knowledge has release an app in the Android market called Iris. (Anyone see something Internet about the name of the app, XD) Iris is currently only in alpha testing so it doesn't work very well but it is free. I was able to ask it questions like: What is the weather in Chicago, Illinois? Who is Bill Gates? I was also able to use it to place calls and send text messages.

For the most part it worked well but it still needs a lot of work. For example; Sometimes when I asked it just; What is the weather? It returned the title of a book. Is I say what is the temperature it just says cold, I must say what is the EXACT temperature for a number.

With time I think that this app could go somewhere, it would be cool so have an assistant right in my pocket to add reminders and events to my calenders and do all sorts of things. Hopefully in time this app will get even better.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

15% Off Battlefield 3 PC - Limited Edition on Amazon!

I recently played the open beta of Battlefield 3 and it was just amazing. I am not much of a video game player but this was just amazing. I figured that I would buy the game for $60 once it comes out but then I found this link on Amazon for just 30% off the retail price! So now I can just pre-order it for $41.99! Note that this is for PC!
Use the following link to check it out! Battlefield 3 Limited Edition Pre-Order 30% Off!

UPDATE: It is now only 15% off. That's $50.99

Monday, October 10, 2011

Phantom of the Floppera - Floppy Music

Remember the old floppy squares we used to store our 1.44MB of data on? Has anyone had the wonderful experience of installing Windows 95 on a computer with floppies? Well I have and it's not much fun... Especially when one of the floppies goes bad...

Now I have found an even better use for these obsolete disks we probably all have laying around, make a musical instrument out of them! Check out these two YouTube videos I found!

So which one did you like more? Let me know in the comments!

How To Troll

If you spend much time on the Internet you have probably heard or seem the results of a troll. You know, those people on the Internet that are just looking to cause problems? Or as Urban Dictionary puts it,
"One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"
Now one may ask, why would someone want to be a troll? Well it's simple, it can be a lot of fun to see people go crazy from your small actions! So during my surfing yesterday I stumbled upon this very well written image. I thought it described methods of trolling and the mindset of a troll so well that I just had to share it with all of you. My favorite is step two, it's so true.

I hope that you found this as useful as I have, sometimes it's fun to troll; just be careful not to take it too far!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs dies at age 56

Late on Wednesday, Apple released the news that co-founder Steve Jobs had passed away.

"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today," Apple's Board of Directors said Wednesday in a statement.
Apple put this webpage up on their website for him.

This news comes soon after Steve resigned as the CEO of Apple. It appears that he was in fact very ill. Steve Jobs had been fighting a rare form of pancreatic cancer.

Steve Jobs will now be remembered as the man behind the iPod, and most importantly the iPhone. Although I was never a big fan of Apple, I still feel sorry for this loss.